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He is lovingly remembered by his wife, Mimi Epstein his sons, Neil (Elizabeth) Ashman-Epstein and Mark (Sharon Fendrich) Epstein and his grandchildren, Talia Valdez and Max Epstein, and Deena and Sylvia Epstein. Robert (Bob) Epstein, z”l, passed away May 30, 2022. “Our community was lucky and so very grateful to be the beneficiary of his many gifts of time, talent and treasure,” reads the announcement from Kol Ami. He chose the fabric for the chairs in the sanctuary, the paint colors, the carpet, etc.ĭonations of furniture that he and Merle made to the congregation over the years are still found in many of the rooms of the building. His education and experience with furniture and design were integral to the style seen throughout Kol Ami’s space. He served as a co-chair for the building committee, and his touch and taste can be seen everywhere. Keith was instrumental in the building of Congregation Kol Ami’s beautiful synagogue in Vancouver, Wash. Per his wishes, there will not be a funeral. He is survived by his wife, Merle, and their six children. Keith Koplan, z”l, passed away June 2, 2022, after a battle with cancer.

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